Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community March Celebration “The Dream Lives on”
Saturday, January 25, 2025, 12:30 – 4:30 pm
George L. Stevens Senior Community Center, 570 So. 65th Street, (Off Skyline Drive), San Diego, CA 92114
Keynote Speaker
California Secretary of State Shirley N. Weber, Ph.D.
Other Highlights
Special appearances from Political and Public Dignitaries, Health Screenings, Information and Resource Table Displays, Ole School Music to Dine and Reminisce By, Feeling Fit Senior Exercises, Line Dancing, Ancestral Story Telling, Buffalo Soldiers’ Exhibit and Fellowshipping
Enjoy a Tasty Bowl of Gumbo (Seafood, Chicken/Sausage)
Rice, Corn Bread and Beverage
$15.00 (65 Yrs. Plus)
$18.00 (Under 65 Yrs.)
For reservations or more information please phone (619) 266-2066

Embracing and Enhancing Seasoned Minds
Since 2002, the Fourth District Seniors Resource Center (FDSRC) has worked to enhance and embrace the quality of life for our “seasoned ambassadors” by providing a wholesome and safe environment for them to thrive, while assisting them to live more independently and proactively. We provide quality services to our district’s lower-to-moderate-income seniors and their families through a variety of resources. FDSRC does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, and political opinion or affiliation.
The new George L. Stevens Senior Center was formally opened in March, 2006. The building itself is LEED certified, which means it is environmentally-friendly and “green” in materials, and in all aspects of the facility’s maintenance. This allows us to sell our energy back to the gas and electric company, which becomes a source that helps us sustain ourselves. The facility features a multipurpose assembly hall, meeting space, classrooms, an exercise room, a boardroom and a commercial-sized kitchen.
FDSRC Seasoned Line Dancers
Watch the video! Come and join the fun!